Journal Articles & Chapters


Crocker, Rebecca M., Daniel E. Martinez, Adriana Maldonado, and David O. Garcia. 2024. "The Maintenance of Mexican Traditional Medicine Practices among Mexicans in Southern Arizona." Social Science & Medicine 


Maldonado, Adriana, Daniel E. Martinez, Edgar A. Villavicencio, Rebecca Crocker, and David O. Garcia. 2024. "Salud Sin Fronteras: Identifying Determinants of Frequency of Healthcare Use among Mexican Immigrants in Southern Arizona." Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities. 


Aguilar, Mario and Daniel E. Martínez. 2024. "Pesticide Exposure and Self-Reported Pain/Discomfort among Farmworkers in the United States." American Behavioral Scientist. 


Martínez, Daniel E. 2024. “Reflections of a Chicano Social Scientist.” Latino Studies.



Dormer, Alyssa, Daniel E. Martínez, and Annalise Gardella. Accepted. “The Symbolic Criminalization of Asylum: Navigating Encounters with US Customs and Border Protection Officials.” Journal of the Southwest 65(2):177-204.


Chambers, Samuel N., Geoffrey Alan Boyce, Daniel E. Martínez, Coen C.W.G. Bongers, and Ladd Keith. 2023. “The Contribution of Physical Exertion to Heat-Related Illness and Death in the Arizona Borderlands.” Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology 46.



Thompson, Jack and Daniel E. Martínez. "Linked Fate, Cumulative Discrimination, and Panethnic Identification: Awareness and Use of ‘Latinx’ among a Nationally Representative Sample of Hispanics/Latinos." Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.

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Chambers, Samuel N., Geoff Boyce, and Daniel E. Martínez. “Climate Impact or Policy Choice? The Spatiotemporality of Thermoregulation and Border Crosser Mortality in Southern Arizona.” The Geographical Journal.


Martínez, Daniel E. “The Racialized Dimensions of Contemporary Immigration and Border Enforcement Policies and Practices.” Public Administration Review.


Martínez, Daniel E. “Escalated Border Enforcement and Migrant Deaths in Southern Arizona.” The Criminologist 47(2): 1, 3-8



Beatrice, Jared S., Angela Soler, Robin C. Reineke, and Daniel E. Martinez. 2021. "Skeletal evidence of structural violence among undocumented migrants from Mexico and Central America." American Journal of Physical Anthropology 176(4):584-605.

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Martinez-Schuldt, Ricardo D. and Daniel E. Martinez. 2021. "Immigrant Sanctuary Policies and Crime-Reporting Behavior: A Multilevel Analysis of Reports of Crime Victimization to Law Enforcement, 1980 to 2004." American Sociological Review 86(1):154-185.

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Jang, Beksahn, Kelsey E. Gonzalez, Liwen Zeng, and Daniel E. Martinez. 2021. "The Correlates of Panethnic Identification: Assessing Similarities and Differences among Latinos and Asians in the United States." Sociological Perspectives




Coulter, Kiera, Samantha Sabo, Daniel E. Martínez, Katelyn Chisholm, Kelsey Gonzalez, Sonia Bass, Edrick Villalobos, Diego Garcia, Taylor Levy, and Jeremy Slack. 2020. “A Study and Analysis of the Treatment of Mexican Unaccompanied Minors by Customs and Border Protection.” Journal on Migration and Human Security 8(2):96-110.

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Martínez, Daniel E. and Kelsey E. Gonzalez. 2020. “Panethnicity as a Primary Identifier among Latino-Hispanics in the United States.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 44(4):595-617.

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Martínez-Schuldt, Ricardo D. and Daniel E. Martínez. 2020. “Destination Intentions of Unauthorized Mexican Border Crossers and Familial Ties to US Citizens.” The Sociological Quarterly 62(2):282-304.

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Soto, Gabriella. "The Dead Must Be Counted." Sapiens. 18 August 2020.

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Martinez, Daniel E. and Kelsey Gonzalez. 2020. “Latino” or “Hispanic”? The Sociodemographic Correlates of Panethnic Label Preferences among U.S. Latinos/Hispanics. Sociological Perspectives 64(3):365-386. 

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Slack, Jeremy, and Daniel E. Martinez. 2020. "Postremoval Geographies: Immigration Enforcement and Organized Crime on the U.S.–Mexico Border." Annals of the American Association of Geographers 111(4):1062-1078.

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Soto, Gabriella. 2020. "Absent and Present: Biopolitics and the materiality of body counts on the US-Mexico border." Journal of Material Culture.

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Boyce, Geoffrey Alan and Sarah Launius. 2020. "The Household Financial Losses Triggered by an Immigration Arrest, and How State and Local Government Can Most Effectively Protect Their Constituents." Journal on Migration and Human Security.

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Zavala Montoya, Erika C., Marta C. Herrera, and Anna Ochoa O'Leary. 2020. "Foto-voz como Técnica de Investigación en Jóvenes Migrantes de Retorno. Trayectorias migratorias, identidad y educación." EMPIRIA. Revista de Metodología de Ciencias Sociales 45: 15-49.

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Martínez-Schuldt, Ricardo D. and Daniel E. Martínez. 2019. “Sanctuary Policies and City-Level Incidents of Violence, 1990 to 2010.” Justice Quarterly 36(4):567-593.

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Gómez, Sofia., and Anna Ochoa-O'Leary. 2019. "'On Edge All the Time': Mixed-Status Households Navigating Health Care Post Arizona's Most Stringent Anti-immigrant Law." Frontiers in Public Health 6 (383).

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Martínez, Daniel E., Jeremy Slack, and Ricardo Martínez-Schuldt. 2018. “Repeat Migration in the Age of the Unauthorized Permanent Resident: A Quantitative Assessment of Migration Intentions Post-Deportation.” International Migration Review 52(4):1186-1217.

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Martínez, Daniel E. and Matthew Ward. 2018. “Agency and Resilience along the Arizona-Sonora Border: How Unauthorized Migrants Become Aware of and Resist Contemporary U.S. Nativist Mobilization.” Social Problems 64(4):516-542.

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Slack, Jeremy and Daniel E. Martínez. 2018. “What Makes a Good Human Smuggler? The Differences between Satisfaction and Recommendation of Coyotes on the U.S.-Mexico Border.” The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 676(1):152-173.

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Martínez, Daniel E., Ricardo Martínez-Schuldt, and Guillermo Cantor. 2018. “Providing Sanctuary or Fostering Crime? A Review of the Research on ‘Sanctuary Cities’ and Crime.” Sociology Compass 12(1):1-13.​

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Montoya-Zavala, Erika C., and Anna Ochoa O'Leary. "Mexicanas Indocumentadas En Arizona. Politicas Migratorias de Repliegue Laboral Y Estrategias de Las Mujeres Inmigrantes." In Hogares Y Familias Transnacionales: Un Encuentro Desde La Perspectiva Humana, (Eds) José Guadalupe Rodríguez Gutiérrez, Oscar Calderón Morrillon Y Miguel Moctezuma Longoria. Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas y la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla: Juan Pablos, Editor S.A. de C.V.

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Romero, Andrea J., Monica Moreno Anguas, Anna O’Leary, and Rebecca Covarrubias. 2017. “Collective Efficacy for Community Change in Response to Immigrant Stigma Stress.” Aztlan: Journal of Chicano Studies 42(1):19-44.

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O'Leary, Anna Ochoa. "The Ethics of Culture and Transnational Household Structure and Formation." In Anthropological Visions of the U.S.-Mexico Transborder Region, Carlos Vélez-Ibáñez & Josiah Heyman (Eds), pp 177-197. Tucson, AZ: UA Press, 2016.

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O’Leary, Anna Ochoa and William Paul Simmons. 2017. “Reproductive Justice and Resistance at the U.S.- Mexico Borderlands.” In Radical Reproductive Justice Foundations, Theory, Practice, Critique. Loretta J. Ross, Lynn Roberts, Erika Derkas, Whitney Peoples, & Pamela Bridgewater Toure (Eds). NY: Feminist Press at CUNY. Pp. 306-325.

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O'Leary, Anna Ochoa. "Undocumented Mexican Women in the U.S. Justice System: Immigration, Illegality, and Law Enforcement." In Gender, Psychology, and Justice: The Mental Health of Women and Girls in the Legal System, Corinne Datchi & Julie Ancis (Eds). Pp. 254-279. NY: New York University Press.

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Abrego, Leisy, Mat Coleman, Daniel E. Martínez, Cecilia Menjívar, and Jeremy Slack. 2017. “Making Immigrants into Criminals: Processes of Social and Legal Criminalization in the Post-IIRIRA Era.” Journal on Migration and Human Security 5(3):694-715.

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Martínez, Daniel E., Jeremy Slack, Kraig Beyerlein, Prescott Vandervoet, Kristin Klingman, Paola Molina, Shiras Manning, Melissa Burham, Kylie Walzak, Kristen Valencia, and Lorenzo Gamboa. 2017. “The Migrant Border Crossing Study: A Methodological Overview of Research along the Sonora-Arizona Border.” Population Studies 71(2):249-264.

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O'Leary, Anna Ochoa. "Con El Peso En La Frente: A Gendered Look at the Human and Economic Costs of Migration on the U.S.-Mexico Border." In Migrant Deaths in the Arizona Desert: La Vida No Vale Nada. (Eds.) Raquel Rubio-Goldsmith et al.  pp. 69-96. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press.

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Erika Montoya, Anna O'Leary, Ofelia Woo, “Mujeres inmigrantes en Arizona y su inserción laboral. Dueñas de salones de belleza vs Estilistas informales” DOXA, Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua, 5(9) (ISSN: 2395-8758), p. 42-66

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Slack, Jeremy, Daniel E. Martínez, Scott Whiteford, and Emily Peiffer. 2015. “In Harm’s Way: Family Separation, Immigration Policy and Security on the U.S.-Mexico Border.” Journal on Migration and Human Security 3(2):109-128.

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Martínez, Daniel E., Reineke, Robin C., Raquel Rubio-Goldsmith, and Bruce O. Parks. 2014. “Structural Violence and Migrant Deaths in Southern Arizona: Data from the Pima County Office of the Medical Examiner, 1990-2013.” Journal on Migration and Human Security 2(4): 257-286.

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Montoya, Erika, Anna Ochoa O’Leary, and Ofelia Woo.  ‘A Head-ache Every Day since the New Law’: Mexican Women in the Hair Salon Business and Anti-Immigrant Policies in Arizona. Migraciones Internacionales, 7(3): 131-162.

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O'Leary, Anna O, Sofia Gomez, and Erika C. Montoya-Zavala. "Stress and Fear in Immigrant Communities: Implications for Health and Human Development." Internacionales: Revista en Ciencias Sociales del Pacífico Mexicano 1(1): 150-172

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Martínez, Daniel E. and Jeremy Slack. 2013. “What part of ‘illegal’ don’t you understand? The consequences of criminalizing unauthorized Mexican migrants in the United States.” Social & Legal Studies 22(4): 535-551

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Carvajal, Scott, Cecilia Rosales, Raquel Rubio-Goldsmith, Samantha Sabo, Maia Ingram, Debra McClelland, Floribella Redondo, Emma Torres, Andrea Romero, Anna Ochoa O’Leary, Zoila Sanchez, and Jill de Zapien. The Border Community & Immigration Stress Scale and Associations to Health Outcomes, Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. Doi:D-1 2-ooo85R

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Anna Ochoa O’Leary, Colin Deeds, and Scott Whiteford.  “Introduction” IN New Directions in Border Research Methodology, Ethics, and Practice; (Eds) Anna Ochoa O’Leary, Colin Deeds, and Scott Whiteford.  Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press, 1-26.

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Carvajal, S., C. Kibor, D. McClelland, M.Ingram, J.G. De Zapien, E. Torres, F. Redondo, K. Rodriguez., R. Rubio-Goldsmith, J.Meister, C. Rosales. “Stress and sociocultural factors related to health status among US-Mexico border farmworkers”. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. Doi: D-1 2-ooo85R

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O’Leary, Anna Ochoa and Gloria Ciria Valdéz-Gardea. “Neoliberalizing (Re)production: Women, Migration, and Family Planning in the Peripheries of the State.”  In Feminist (Im)Mobilities in Fortress(ing) North America: Identities, Citizenships, and Human Rights in Transnational Perspective. (Eds) Anne Sisson Runyan, Amy Lind, Patricia McDermott, and Marianne H. Marchand.  Farnham, Surrey, United Kingdom: Ashgate, Gender in a Local/Global World Series. 75-94

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O’Leary Anna Ochoa, Gloria Ciria Valdez-Gardea, and Azucena Sanchez. "Reflections on Methodological Challenges in a Study of Immigrant Women and Reproductive Health in the U.S.-Mexico Border Region" in New Directions in Border Research Methodology, Ethics, and Practice; (Eds) Anna Ochoa O’Leary, Colin Deeds, and Scott Whiteford.  Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press, 184-205.

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O’Leary, Anna Ochoa & Sanchez, Azucena. “Mixed Immigration Status Households in the Context of Arizona’s Anti-Immigrant Policies.”  In Anti-immigrant sentiments, actions and policies in North America and the European Union,” Mónica Verea (Ed).  Mexico City: Centro de Investigación sobre América del Norte (CISAN) de la Universidad Autónoma de Mexico (UNAM), 157-174.

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Montoya Zavala, Erika Cecilia, Blas Valenzuela Camacho, and Anna Ochoa O’Leary. Factores que determinan la participación de las mujeres inmigrantes en actividades por cuenta propia. Una revisión bibliográfica. In Migrantes, empresarias, políticas, profesionistas y traficantes de drogas: Mujeres en la esfera pública y privada, (Ed.) Montoya Zavala, Erika Cecilia, Culiacán, Sinaloa: Juan Pablos, SA. 19-48.

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O’Leary, Anna Ochoa. “Of Coyotes, Cooperation, and Capital: Social Capital and Women’s Migration at the Margins of the State.”  In D. C. Wood & T. Matejowsky (Eds.), Research in Economic Anthropology (Vol. 32): Political Economy, Neoliberalism, and the Prehistoric Economies of Latin America. Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., 133-160.

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O'Leary, Anna Ochoa.  Mujeres en el Cruce: Entre la Separación y Reunificación Familiar en Epoca de (In)Seguridad.  In Retratos de FronteraMigración Cultura e Identidad. Gloria Ciria Valdez-Gardea and Helen Balslev Clausen (Eds). Hermosillo, Sonora: Colegio de Sonora, pp. 157-186.

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Slack, Jeremy, Daniel Martínez and Prescott Vandervoet. 2011. “Methods of Violence: Researcher Safety and Adaptability in Times of Conflict.” Practicing Anthropology 33(1):33-37.

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O’Leary, Anna Ochoa & Sánchez, Azucena. Anti-Immigrant Arizona: Ripple Effects and Mixed Immigration Status Households under 'Policies of Attrition' Considered. Journal of Borderlands Studies 26 (1): 115-133.

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O’Leary, Anna Ochoa“In the Footsteps of Spirits: Migrant Women’s Testimonios in a Time of Heightened Border Enforcement”. In Violence, Security, and Human Rights at the Border: Gendered Violence and Insecurity,  Kathleen Staudt, Tony Payan, and Z. Anthony Kruszewski (Eds.). Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press, 91-112.

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O’Leary, Anna Ochoa, “Mujeres en el Cruce: Remapping Border Security through Migrant Mobility,” Journal of the Southwest. 51(4): 523-542

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Goldsmith, P., M. Romero, R. R. Goldsmith, M. Escobedo, & L. Khoury. Ethno-Racial Profiling and State Violence in a Southwest Barrio. Aztlán: A Journal of Chicano Studies, 34(1): 93-124.

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O’Leary, Anna Ochoa, The ABCs of Unauthorized Border Crossing Costs: Assembling, Bajadores, and Coyotes, Migration Letters 6(1) 27-36.

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O’Leary, Anna Ochoa, Close Encounters of the Deadly Kind: Gender, Migration, and Border (In) Security, Migration Letters 15(2): 111-122.

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Pat António Goldsmith, Mary Romero. “Aliens, “Illegal,” and Other Types of “Mexicanness”: Examination of Racial Profiling in Border Policing. In Globalization and America: Race Human Rights, and Inequality. Angela J Attery et al. (eds), Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.


Rubio-Goldsmith, Raquel, M. Melissa McCormick, Daniel Martinez and Inez Magdalena Duarte. “A Humanitarian Crisis at the Border: New Estimates of Deaths Among Unauthorized Immigrants.” Immigration Policy Center.Policy Brief. February 1, 2007.

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Rubio-Goldsmith, Raquel, M. Melissa McCormick, Daniel Martinez and Inez Magdalena Duarte. “A Humanitarian Crisis at the Border: New Estimates of Deaths Among Unauthorized Immigrants.”

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Koulish, Robert, E. Manuel Escobedo, Raquel Rubio-Goldsmith and Robert Warren. “Final Report of the Tucson Border Interaction Project: A Study of U.S. Immigration Authorities and South Tucson, Arizona.” May 23, 1994.